Front Page Access

Websites designed using front-page need to have front-page extensions installed on the server to allow publishing via front-page and for certain front-page specific components to operate such as the hit counter and form to email operations.

Please note
You should only publish to Front-page domains, FTP access is not recommended as Front-page keeps it's own set of custom files to control various operations.

Publishing to your front page server

After you have designed your website in Front-page ensure you have saved all your edited files to your local disk and then select Publish Web from the File menu within Front-page






You will then be asked for the location to publish your website to.
Enter your domain name here.


Next, you will be prompted for a username and password which has permission to publish files to that location. Enter the username/password you were provided with when you setup your account


When you have entered these details, click Okay and Front-page will begin the process of uploading your site to the server.

Note that you may be prompted for the password a few times during this process.

After publishing is complete you will receive a confirmation message.




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